At the risk of sounding uber-cheesy and also embarrassing him, I thought I'd post an early Thanksgiving Thank You about Darrell.
I'm going to explain some of the reasons I am oh-so-thankful to have him in my life.
He tolerates my need for stuff and piles of stuff. Until it gets too crazy. And then he helps me get it under control.
He takes care of the car and all the technical stuff around the house. I honestly don't know how I did all that stuff myself. I think I just didn't do it.
He unloads the dishwasher. And after I have washed the dishes, he dries and puts them away (my least favorite part of that job.).
He does most of the laundry. And knows which items go to the dry cleaners, which are line-dried, and which are stuff-into-the-machine-and-wash.
He lets me come into bed late. But he doesn't sleep well until I'm there. But he lets me come into bed late anyway.
He makes dinner about half of the nights in the week. In most weeks, we go out the other half.
He has all the faith and confidence in me that I will ever need.
He realizes that I am a social butterfly and need time with the girls way more than he needs time with the boys. He doesn't even complain when I am out more than I am in.
He is patient with my dinner-indecisiveness. I need to be "in the mood" for the "right food" for me to eat it. We have to go through a dozen or so choices each night before I can figure out what we will eat.
He makes me laugh. Especially when he freaks out when I pull scary food out of the depths of the fridge on "food-throw-away-night." Seriously. Last week, I almost peed my pants I laughed so hard.
He genuinely cares about our families and their needs. He's a good brother and son to both his family and mine.
I could go on and on, but I know he has died of embarrassment already.
The good news for him is that there is no photo posted. I love him enough to know that the photo on the blog would kill him, so I'll keep him around for awhile longer.
Thanks for letting me write a little about Darrell.
He's a good seed.
that is so cute & sweet.....awwww.
He's a pretty great brother-in-law, that's for sure.
Stephanie, I am sorry, but I love him too!!!! Darrell... you are soooo cute!!!
I'm thankful for Darrell too...he drove us around town for a couple of weeks looking for the perfect house, he had to put up with ALL my negative comments about the houses he was showing us, I'm sure he was rolling his eyes behind my back. Then he had to put up with me as not only a buyer but also a seller of my home. Six months later he still calls us friends. Or maybe becouse Stepanie makes him! Darrell the Manwarings are greatful for yoou too!! PS. I LOVE my new house!!
I love Darrell TOO! Not for the same reasons! I think it was the no breakfast for dinner that put me over the edge!
Very sweet, and yes, most embarassing for him I'm sure. I love both Steph and Darrell for putting up with my sweet little girl in primary for so long. She is such the touchy-feely little thing, not her mother's daughter.
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